Thursday, June 10, 2010

About this blog!

This is a blog about my Gold Award Project: Teaching Kids to Love Art. My goal through out this whole thing is to do fun art projects for Kindergartners through 2nd Graders to enjoy creating art. I will work with the Charles E Davis Foundation every Thursday this summer doing fun projects with the 10 to 20 kids that go to their summer program. and when me and my family and a team of 20ish others travel to Honduras later in the summer I will do similar projects for the children attending La Providencía Academia (Providence Academy) for three days. I'm blogging about the whole thing so check this weekly for updates! Most of the blog will be dedicated to photos (btw I've never written a blog before....I'm much better at taking pics than writing, so we'll see how this goes!)

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Megan!!! I'm so excited to see this.

    You are doing a FANTASTIC job!!!


    Mrs. W.
