Monday, July 5, 2010

Week 4: Handprints and Tin Foil

On July 1st 2010 the children attending the Peace Camp at the Napier Learning Center made a peace relief with tin foil. Using recycled cardboard, the kids used glue and yarn to make a peace sign. After drying they covered the cardboard with tin foil and colored over it.

Step 1: Yarn and Glue in the shape of a peace sign

Tori, helping!

Step 2: Cover it with tin foil and color it!

This is Alexis and her peace tin foil

Later we were learning how to paint with real, dry sponges. my very artistic dad taught this part so he asked all the kids: "did you know these sponges used to be alive?"
"Really???" some replied.
"Yes, they were animals. Does anyone know where they lived?"
"Well, where does spongebob live?"
and Alexis says: "IN A PINEAPPLE!!!"
"........(that's under water....)" my dad corrects :)

The other project the children enjoyed on July 1st was sponge painting a white garden tile red. Once dry, they painted their hand blue and stamped it onto the tile. Here are some of the kids with their completed tile:

1 comment:

  1. Peace reliefs: very nice.

    Sponge Bob comment: PRICELESS!!!!!!!
