Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 5: Last day with these sweet kids

July 8th was the last day I taught the Napier children. I'm thankful for the time I was able to spend with them but sad to leave. The last projects we did were scrapbooking photos taken throughout the camp, making potato stamps, and finger painting. They had a lot of fun being messy! Here's some photos:

Hannah scrapbooking with Roy

Isabella helping!

Alydia assisting Montrel in cutting some paper

My mom and Charise

This is me teaching the children how to make and use the potato stamps

Tori shows off Alexis' potato

Cutting out the stamp!

They all wanted to give me a hug goodbye and I fell over in the process. It was a sad but sweet moment, knowing I had to leave but they had enjoyed learning how to be creative so much they didn't want me to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Fantastic pictures of beautiful, dear faces! How great for those you taught! How great for the volunteers to get a chance to have that kind of fun! How great for the community!!!

    Great stuff, Megan!!!
