Thursday, August 12, 2010

Art in Honduras

The second part of my Gold Award was to teach art to about 45 students that go to a small bi-lingual school in Honduras. This school, La Providencia Academia, has five teachers and three classes (Pre-K thourgh 1st grade). The children enrolled in the school are from the community of Aguas Del Padre and their parents volunteer on the site so that their children can go to this school. For more information about Providence and the ministry to orphans in Honduras please see the website:

Due to the larger class size (compared to amount of teachers) these children haven't been able to do many messy art projects. August 1st through 7th my family and about 20 other Nashvillians traveled to Honduras to do mission work. And on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week I, with 6 or 7 helpers, taught various preplanned projects to them. I spent about an hour with each class (of about 15 students) every day. Pictures and specifics to come.

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to extend what you have done in your own community to the world at large!

    So exciting!
