Thursday, August 12, 2010

Black, Red, White, Green, and Yellow

Tuesday in Honduras. The children were excited to see us when we came in and enjoyed painting foam crosses and making salvation bracelets.

The children studiously painting their cross the color of their choosing.

This is the salvation bracelet we made. I explained, both in English and Spanish, that each color symbolizes a fundamental step in becoming follower of Christ: "Black represents sin—when we do bad things or don't do what God wants us to do—we all deserve death. Red is the blood of Christ, which points to 2000 years ago when Jesus, the son of God, died on the cross to save us from our wickedness. White symbolizes our clean heart, forgiven when we accept Jesus to be Lord of our life. Green is faith; just as God makes the grass and trees grow, so he increases our faith in Him. Yellow represents heaven and eternity Christians are promised to spend with the God of the Universe."

Troy with his buddies Hugo and Luis.

This was an amazing day, sharing God's love with these children through fun crafts!

1 comment:

  1. The love you shared shines through in the pictures.

    Wonderful work: sharing the love you've been given, isn't it?
